How MYT will shape the MELAXY

2 min readJul 1, 2022

What is MYT

MYT is the daily currency of MELAXY, It will be generated by all planets in phase 1. It is used to purchase equipment and can be mined.

What are the uses of MYT

MYT can be used to Upgrade your Spaceship to ensure you stay ahead of the competition, You may make bids for planets using MYT, Standard buildings can be purchased and built using MYT, And to ensure you are never outgunned you can avail of the newest and most impressive technology by using MYT token to keep your technology on point. Trading can also be done on the MYT Exchange.

How to get MYT

MYT is automatically generated from player-owned planets and can be obtained in the MYT Exchange. In MELAXY you will have stiff competition for resources and to make sure your coffers never run dry. mining of MYT should be paramount. Particular attention should be paid to a planet’s resource reserves as this is indicative of the maximum amount of resources a planet can hold. The more resources the more competition for the planet the more competition, the more danger.

MYT as a universe shaper:

As previously stated MYT will be the most commonly used token in MELAXY, With the majority of exchanges and economic operations being done with MYT, The lifeblood of a successful campaign through the MELAXY is the players ability to locate and mine MYT, The more MYT you have the more advanced technology you can get your hands on and the better equipped you will be not only to survive but to prosper. The top players will hold vast reserves of MYT, they will utilise this resource to their advantage. Imagine being able to hire other players to assist you and provide protection to your operations and earn extra MYT by leasing your advanced technology to other players. You could bankroll expeditions and hunts for new planets taking a cut of the treasure for the lease of your equipment. With enough MYT you can build an empire in the stars.


MELAXY is a space exploration and mining game in the metaverse, In MELAXY players will travel a mysterious galaxy on the hunt for riches beyond their wildest dreams but be careful, Space is beautiful but foreboding and you will not be alone in your hunt for treasure.




Melaxy is a sci-fi game based on layer-zero’s omnichain that includes 10,000 unique Captains NFTs.